Saturday, December 24, 2016

Happy Holidays!

Popping in today to share our holiday card for this year. I had lots of fun creating and mailing 40 of these to friends and family.

Wishing you all a festive holiday season
and a happy and healthy 2017!



  1. This card is perfect! Love seeing all your gorgeous pics on instagram. Merry Merry Christmas to you and your family! xoxo

  2. What a fun, clean and simple card! Merry Christmas to you and yours, I do hope you get to enjoy more of that beautiful scenery you have!

  3. I TOTALLY agree with the sentiment and the image!! Absolutely charming!

  4. Hi Lisa! I hope you had a fantastic holiday season with your loved ones! I love your CAS design for your Christmas cards, rustic and pretty and the frame around the edge is perfect with it!

  5. Soooo sweet! You made 40?!? You are stronger than me--I'd bow out after 3 likely. Lol! I adore this little scene! ;)
