Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Are You Yeti?

My fabulous and super talented crafty friend, Linda, and I recently made a pact to try to participate in more challenges. We decided that our first challenge would be the Wednesday Sketch Challenge at My Favorite Things.

Here's the sketch:
And here's my take:

I had soooo much fun making this card! Isn't that sweet little yeti image from the MFT Beast Friends Stamp Set just about the most adorable thing you've ever seen?!?! Actually...all of the yetis in the set are so stinkin' cute. I want to hang them all over my craft studio because they totally make me smile!!! The sparkle paper is also from MFT. LOVE it!!! Thanks to the amazing Tracey McNeely for introducing me to that at the crafty retreat! I came home and immediately ordered some (along with a bunch of other supplies I got to try out over the weekend...ha!).

Well, that's it for me for today.

Hope your week is off to a great start!




  1. Lisa this is so adorable, I haven't inked that set up yet but your cute card is inspiration!

  2. That is an overload of cuteness! I love the yeti and the mountains in the background. I love that you went to a retreat with so many other stampers. I think the laughter and inspiration from others is the best and so much fun. I hope you get to do it again.

  3. Perfect and perfectly cute in every way!

  4. I'm SO not Yeti! But I can see it won't be long for this one set to bring you to your quota of Christmas cards, quickly!!! Lisa, he is the cutest little stinker, ever!
    =] Michele

  5. We have called my oldest son "yeti" for years as he got taller and taller and taller!! I can't believe I don't have this set, but your charming card with him so beautifully framed just sold me!
